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Please check out the new tabs: "Support for Families", "Student Support: SEL" & "Community Resources". I will be updating these tabs with new resources in the coming days!
❤We miss you OFE students and families! ❤
Dear Old Fort Students, Families and Community Members,
Greetings! I want to take a moment to introduce myself as the School Counselor here at Old Fort. I am returning to Old Fort this year after serving as a School Counselor in Buncombe County for the past two years. I am excited to be back with our school community!
A little about me: I have been a School Counselor for twelve years with students ranging in ages from 4 through 17. I am a proud graduate of Appalachian State University and the University of Delaware. My family keeps my days outside of school full of love, laughter, and a little chaos. My husband and I spend most of our energy outside of work on our biggest adventure, raising our little girl and little boy. We learn something new together everyday from our precious little ones--there sure is a lot to learn in parenting!
As the School Counselor, I strive to offer support to our students in order to help them feel and be successful. I collaborate with our school community to develop the counseling program to support our students in their academic, personal/social, emotional and career development. To meet the needs of our students, I offer a variety of school-wide programs, classroom lessons, small group counseling, and as needed, short-term individual counseling. In addition to these services, I also help coordinate referrals for our school based therapists and to community agencies that meet the needs of families. I also play a role in Student Leadership opportunities.
I strongly believe that together we can make a positive difference. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance. I look forward to an awesome school year full of laughter, learnaing, student leadership and adventure.
Thank you for sharing your children with us each day!
Ms. Kristin Bearden
School Counselor
Donors' Choose:
If you or your child are experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact
Mobile Crisis at 1-888-573-1006 or call 911.
If your child is a client of A Caring Alternative, the crisis number is 828-334-9516.

Learning about building positive and healthy relationships is one of the core roles of a School Counselor.
Check out the following links about social & emotional learning for more information.
Our school community is fortunate to have the support of a school based therapist one day a week.
Kristen White, LMFT with A Caring Alternative serves our students. For more information about A Caring Alternative please visit:
If you are interested in the services Ms. Kristen provides, please reach out to Ms. Bearden for referral information.
Mobile Crisis McDowell County:
If you or your child are experiencing a mental health emergency contact Mobile Crisis at
1-888-573-1006 or call 911.
Emergency Number for A Caring Alternative Clients: