Photo of Beth Gilliland

Beth Gilliland

MCS Lead School Nurse

Elizabeth Gilliland is a graduate of Western Carolina University (BSN and MSN). Nurse B...

  • 828-652-6021
  • Email Beth Gilliland


Medication Policy:

If your child will need medication during the school day (both prescription or over the counter), a medical provider will need to complete a green medication administration form. You may request this form in the nurse's office or print a form from this web page. A new medication form must be filled out each new school year. Children may not self-carry medications to school, with the exception of Emergency medications (ex: Inhalers, Epipens, Insulin, etc.). Medications must be in the original bottle or container and properly labeled with the student’s name. 

** If your child needs medication at school and a green medication form is not on file, a parent or guardian must come to the school to administer the medication.**

Special Diet Request:

For your child to receive a special diet at school, a medical diet form must be completed by a medical provider. Forms are available upon request from the school nurse.