Health Services

Keeping Your Little Dragon Healthy!

 My name is Jowanna Shutes and I am the school nurse for Glenwood Elementary School. I consider it a privilege to provide medical care for the students here at Glenwood and look forward to doing so in the future.

Besides providing traditional nursing care, I will also be providing some health screenings and educational classes throughout the school year. You will find more information regarding those items below:

  • Dental: Identified dental problems will be screened by the school nurse as needed and referrals/parent contact will be made when appropriate. 
  • Vision: Screenings will be provided by the school nurse on any student that has been referred by a teacher or parent. Parents will receive notification if their child does not pass the screening.
  • Education: Hygiene education will be offered to all 4th grade students. Puberty education will be offered to all students in 5th grade. Education on other topics will be provided as needed, ie: dental health, nutrition, hand washing, etc.

It is very important that I am made aware of any medical condition that your child has that may require emergency care and/or medication at school. It is also important that you are aware of the school policy for administering medications at school, as well as the policy regarding when your child can return to school after they have had a contagious illness. Please see the student handbook or the McDowell County Schools web page for more information regarding policies.

We are privileged at GWE to have the telemedicine service available to our students and staff. Telemedicine, also referred to as the Health-e-Schools program, is a service in which the staff/students can make an appointment via the school nurse and be seen by a healthcare provider during the school day without having to leave campus! Please be sure that your student is enrolled so that they can take advantage of this program if needed. Extra enrollment forms are available in the office.

Please feel free to call me or come by the school if you have any questions or concerns about your child's health. I am available on GWE campus on Mondays through Friday from 7:30 am- 3:10 pm. I look forward to a healthy school year!


Jowanna Shutes, BSN, RN

Healthy students are better learners.

~Charles E. Basch

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Contact Information:

GWE Office Hours:


7:30 am- 3:10 pm



Telemedicine applications and medication forms can be printed from the links below. Please return completed forms to the school nurse.