Your students now have access to the myON digital library and news articles through an easy to use, shared login for all.
Your myON shared account provides students free access to thousands of digital texts, anytime, anywhere. myON News publishes five daily news articles written just for students every weekday.
This link is a one-page resource sheet that includes some tools to help you communicate to your students and their families. Please use any communication channels you see fit to get this information out to your students during this time.
Resources outlined in the document include:
Letter to families template
What is myON?
Login bookmark template
Offline reading tip sheet
Welcome to myON video
Reading myON books offline video
At-home family reading activities
You will click on your unique district link to access the myON digital library and news articles. Your unique district link is:
Also, your login information will be as follows:
Student username: myon
Student password: books