Please help us spread the word about Nebo Meet the Teacher.
Our Meet the Teacher includes all Nebo students, including Universal Pre-K.
What will Open House/Meet the Teacher look like?
There will be a table set up outside the front office. We will provide families with teacher assignments and car rider tags prior to entering into the school building.
Families will visit classrooms. All families will be asked to report to the cafeteria prior to leaving in order to visit the following stations:
***Station1: Bus Transportation (Bus Drivers will be available to assist families)
***Station 2: Free Reduced Lunch Form-we will have computers and staff ready to help assist families in completing the free and reduced lunch forms
***Station 3: Title I Information
***Station 4: After School Care YMCA
***Station 5: Health (School Nurse will be available to assist families)
In order to provide families with more personalized support and less waiting, we are staggering our schedule. If you are new to the area and are needing help registering your child for school, please give us a call and we can help you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school at 828-652-4737.