North Cove Elementary School News

The following standardized supply list is for all elementary schools in McDowell County...

2021-2022   23rd Annual OPERATION BACKPACK  School supplies are av...

McDowell County part-day preschool registration ages 2-3.

McDowell PreK enrollment at no cost to families for 2021-2022 school year!

MHS students are working on the sign to advertise our new walking trail and the stream ...

Free summer meals for students 18 years and younger.You many pick up meals Monday -Frid...

Congratulations to North Cove seniors class of 2021!

Bethany Newman Instructional assistant of the year

My name is Bethany Newman. I am an Instructional Assistant in Kindergarten. I have been...

Mary Jo Kuechenmeister teacher of the year.

Teacher Of The Year

April 15, 2021

My name is Mary Jo Kuechenmeister and I teach First Grade at North Cove Elementary.&nbs...

Lowe's employee Standing next to a staff member


February 15, 2021

Shout out to Lowe's for their cleaning supplies donation!!

Greetings!  It is hard to believe that it is time to begin recruiting initiativ...

Cub Scout Rectuitment

September 21, 2020

Join the Adventures of Cub Scouting in McDowell County North Carolina today! Watch this...

We are excited to announce that Health-e-Schools telehealth services are available for ...