North Cove Elementary School News
Based on last year's testing performance (2023-2024), North Cove Elementary has bee...
View the Title I Family Information by clicking here.
North Cove Elementary and McDowell County Schools are operating on Summer hours through...
Need help finding food for your child? Text FOOD to 304-304. You'll be asked to ent...
Spring Book Fair is March 11-15. Add money to your child's eWallet by visiting ...

Our School Improvement Team meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 3:10 in the NCE Li...
August 10, 2023 Welcome Back to School! The McDowell County Schools is excited to w...
Based on last year's testing performance (2021-2022), North Cove Elementary has bee...
Come say Hi to Mr. Wiseman, NCE's new principal and enjoy a sweet, cool treat (co-s...
North Cove Elementary School will host “Meet the Teacher” event on Friday, ...
We would like to congratulate Mrs Guadarrama as Teacher of the Year!
SIT Meeting Dates 08-30-2021 10/04/2021 11/29/2021
We would like to welcome Mr Steven Roark as our new principal at North Cove Elementary!
Friday, August 20th is meet the teacher. It will be drop-in and divided by the student&...