Ensuring Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care
On December 10, 2016, President Obama signed new provisions under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The act is the guiding source for educational stability of children in foster care. Changes under ESSA require children placed in foster care to receive immediate enrollment in schools deemed to be in their best interest. Together with districts and child welfare agencies, McDowell County Schools coordinates enrollment, transfer of records, and transportation.
Despite the reason for being foster placed, under ESSA the McDowell County Schools support educating every child while working to address barriers impeding academic success.
Our dedicated Foster Care Liaison assists with:
- Best Interest Determination (BID) to determine appropriate school option
- addressing barriers to attendance and academic success
- obtaining needed documents
- social, emotional and behavioral supports
- IEP/504 support
- transportation
- other supportive services as needed for youth placed in care
If you have a foster placed student in your home or preparing to receive a foster placed student, please contact Ashley McCartha, Foster Care Point of Contact at 828-652-4535 ext 4300.
Primary points of contact (POC):
Ashley McCartha, McDowell County Schools
828-652-4535, ext 4300
Denise Behm, McDowell County Department of Social Services
Carla Reid, McDowell County Department of Social Services
Other resources:
North Carolina Foster Care Education Program Webstie
McDowell County Department of Social Services