Transfer Students

Transfers within McDowell County Schools

  1. Students with IEPs are assigned to the school they would normally attend based on attendance zone or a parent’s school choice. However, changes to school assignment will be made when the goals, objectives, services and/or the accommodations on the IEP cannot be implemented at the attendance zone or choice school.
  2. If it is determined that a student’s IEP cannot be implemented at the student’s attendance zone or choice school, then the student will be assigned to a school that can implement the IEP within the region of the attendance zone school.
  3. If it is determined that a student’s IEP cannot be implemented at the regional school because of class size, transportation issues, accessibility and/or other factors, then Special Education and Related Service will determine the school assignment.
  4. Data Managers make electronic transfers. The Special Education case manager will send the student’s official educational record to the assigned school through school mail or hand delivery.
  5. IEP or transition meetings may be held as needed.