Exceptional Children



Exceptional Children Director

  • www.mcdowell.k12.nc.us/departments/exceptional-children/index (opens in new window)

The vision of the MCS Exceptional Children's Department is that students with disabilities will graduate prepared to live as independently as possible, attain meaningfulness careers, make appropriate choices and enjoy integration within our society.

Dear Parents, 

We at McDowell County Schools believe the health, safety, and well-being of our students and staff are our top priorities. With the recent information regarding the coronavirus (COVID19) in the news, we want to take a moment to reassure you that we will continue to take extreme precautions as we work to meet the needs of our students.  We are working diligently to provide instruction in various forms through activities sent home and remote learning opportunities for our students with disabilities.

While McDowell County School buildings are closed, IEP meetings will be held through phone conferences or other virtual means. Your participation is greatly needed as we work together to design special services to support your child. 

 Per federal and State guidance, once normal school operations resume, we will consider necessary compensatory education for any special education student who misses services. Please note that no services are required for special education students by law during any time period when regular education students are not receiving educational services.

We know that these recent world events may be creating apprehension and anxiety. Please know that we are doing all we can to support families to maintain a safe, healthy learning environment during these challenging times. We will keep you updated as additional information becomes available. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Director of Exceptional Children, MCS

Exceptional Children Programs

McDowell County Schools provide special education and related services to all children with disabilities from age three through twenty-two inclusive. When children are found eligible for special services, an Individualized Education Plan is developed stating the services to be provided. A specialized staff implements the education plans.

Services available for students with disabilities include: Mentally Disabled, Orthopedically Impaired, Learning Disabled, Hearing Impaired, Other Health Impaired, Speech Impaired, Deaf, Visually Impaired, Blind, Emotionally Disabled, Autistic, Traumatic Brain Injury, Developmentally Delayed, and Speech and/or Language Impaired. See the file below for a complete description of each area of exceptionality.

Available related services include but are not limited to: Speech and/or Language, Counseling, Physical Therapy, Adaptive Physical Education, Transportation, and Occupational Therapy.

North Carolina Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities. https://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/policies/nc-policies-governing-services-for-children-with-disabilities

EC Director for McDowell County Schools