
The philosophy of McDowell County Schools' Media is to provide instructional resources, print and non-print, which will best prepare students for a meaningful and productive place in society. In order to meet this goal, the selection of instructional resources will include the representation of a wide range of ideas and information. Our selection provides for all levels of difficulty, diversity of appeal and presentation of different points of view.

Knowing that democracy rests on the assumption that the educated, free person can be entrusted with self-determination, the school system endorses the American Library Association Bill of Rights and the American Association of School Librarians Interpretation of that Bill. It also endorses Access to Electronic Resources, Services, and Networks: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.

Our Policy on Library/Media Centers:

Within resources available the policy of the McDowell County Board of Education is to provide for school library/media centers. The centers should be staffed with appropriate certified and support personnel. The facilities should meet state guidelines for resources and equipment including computer hardware and programs. The school library/media centers should support the philosophy and the total curriculum of McDowell County Schools.

Policies and procedures related to the administration and operation of school library/media centers in McDowell County Schools are in the McDowell County Schools Library/Media Handbook. This document is available in all school library/media centers and in all administrative offices. Additional procedures can be found in IMPACT: Guidelines for Media and Technology Programs, a DPI publication, which has recommendations and guidelines for this program.


Policy 3210: Parental Inspection of and Objection to Instructional Materials

Farmers Almanac
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language