McDowell County Schools: A Future-Focused School System

Strategic Priorities 2021-2024


Priority 1: Future-Focused Students

  • Goal: Each McDowell County Schools’ student will graduate READY for their future, whether college or career.
    • BOE Subgoal 1.1: By June 30, 2024, McDowell County Schools will meet or exceed state and regional averages on all performance indicators.
    • BOE Subgoal 1.2: Annually, each MCS school, teacher, and student will meet or exceed expected growth as measured by the NC Accountability System.
    • BOE Subgoal 1.3: By June 30, 2022, MCS will develop a comprehensive plan to address student mental health. 

Priority 2: Future-Focused Leaders

  • Goal: McDowell County Schools will have effective systems that support leadership recruitment, talent development, and support for existing leaders.
    • BOE Subgoal 2.1: By June 30, 2024, MCS will develop a Human Resources Plan that addresses recruitment, development, and retention across all levels of the organization.
    • BOE Subgoal 2.2: By June 30, 2022,  MCS will acknowledge and develop a plan to support staff mental health. 
    • BOE Subgoal 2.3: By June 30, 2024, MCS will improve outcomes for our youngest learners by increasing professional development for teacher instructional assistants serving grades PreK-3.
    • BOE Subgoal 2.4: By June 30, 2024, MCS will increase the percentage of teachers with advanced degrees, National Board Certification, Micro-Credentials, Etc.
    • BOE Subgoal 2.5: Beginning July 1, 2022, MCS Board of Education members will have at least four hours of professional development annually beyond the required ethics training.

Priority 3: Future-Focused Community Partnerships

  • Goal: “McDowell County Schools will have substantial and sustained community partnerships for the betterment of students and the county.”
    • BOE Subgoal 3.1: By June 30, 2024, MCS will increase early interventions by expanding the Supportive Beginnings program and adding Social Workers.
    • BOE Subgoal 3.2: Annually, MCS will partner with MTCC to review the quality of the programming and to increase the college credits/industry credentials earned by MCS students.
    • BOE Subgoal 3.3: By June 30, 2024, MCS will support the achievement of a strong basis for economic development by providing opportunities for student apprenticeships/internships and teacher externships. 
    • BOE Subgoal 3.4: Annually, MCS will partner with community groups to advocate for increased broadband internet availability.
    • BOE Subgoal 3.5: By June 30, 2022, MCS will develop a marketing plan that will increase communication with all stakeholders.

Priority 4: Future-Focused Operations and Facilities

  • Goal: McDowell County Schools will maintain and upgrade all operations and facilities to support Teaching and Learning.
    • BOE Subgoal 4.1: By June 30, 2024, MCS will ensure health and safety for all occupants by updating and improving sanitation and air quality at all MCS campuses. 
    • BOE Subgoal 4.2: By June 30, 2024, the MCS Board of Education will develop a comprehensive 10-year facilities plan. 
    • BOE Subgoal 4.3: By June 30, 2023, MCS will identify, implement and utilize tools that measure operational efficiency.